As the world races towards decarbonization, Australia finds itself at a pivotal crossroads. Moreover, with the inevitable decline of fossil...
A pair of environmental physicists from ETH Zurich’s Institute of Biogeochemistry and Pollutant Dynamics has revealed a groundbreaking 3D model...
A groundbreaking study by Yale University School of Medicine reveals fascinating insights into the hibernation habits of thirteen-lined ground squirrels....
The coelacanth is an extraordinary creature that has fascinated scientists for decades. This prehistoric fish first appeared more than 400...
On August 26, 2009, the last Christmas Island pipistrelle, a tiny bat once abundant on the island, was heard for...
World leaders convened this week in Busan, South Korea, to discuss a global treaty aimed at addressing the environmental crisis...
Efforts to establish a global treaty to combat plastic pollution stalled after more than two years of negotiations. Over 200...
Drone footage has captured the extensive destruction in Nabatieh, a southern Lebanese city, following months of conflict between Israel and...
As winter sets in, indoor plants often require a new care routine to adjust to the changing conditions. Maryam Ghani,...
Cats, typically seen as affectionate household companions are, in fact, one of the world’s most destructive invasive species. While invasive...
Katrick Technologies, a Scottish renewable energy company, has introduced a groundbreaking innovation in wind power: a honeycomb-shaped turbine that does...
In the waters off Baja California, Mexico, a 50-year-old killer whale named Moctezuma has been leading his pod in repeated...