Cold Arctic air brings frost and snow to northern England and Scotland.

UK to Experience Freezing Temperatures and Possible Snow This Week

Freezing overnight temperatures are set to impact parts of the UK on Wednesday and Thursday, with some areas potentially seeing snow.

Arctic air will bring frosts to northern England and Scotland, with temperatures dipping as low as -3°C. The Met Office forecasts snow on higher ground due to northerly winds, which are expected to drive temperatures below average. However, these cold conditions should ease by the weekend.

Ellie Glaisyer, a meteorologist at the Met Office, noted that the cooler temperatures in April are not unusual and are expected to align more closely with seasonal averages as the weekend approaches

Temperatures are expected to rise by the weekend, with mild conditions following the cold snap.

She explained that the cold weather is attributed to a high-pressure system west of the UK, which directs a northerly wind bringing Arctic air across the country. This results in temperatures that are slightly below average, particularly in eastern parts of the UK.

Typically, April temperatures range from 14°C to 15°C, but this month has been colder, with temperatures around 10°C in southeast England.

Additionally, southern parts of the UK might face heavy rain and thunderstorms over the weekend. Glaisyer mentioned that the cold spell could affect eastern England more severely before temperatures start to rise, possibly even exceeding seasonal averages by 1°C or 2°C in some areas.

The freezing temperatures could extend to rural parts of Wales and central England over the next two days. Despite these chilly conditions, Glaisyer emphasized that they are not extraordinary, merely a bit cooler than usual for this time of year.

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