Air Conditioner Outdoor Unit (Photo: Adrees Latif)

Scientists Want People To Decrease Air Conditioner Use During Summer To Slow Down Global Warming

A scientist is urging Americans to stop using air conditioning as part of the fight against climate change.

Stan Cox, an Ecosphere Fellow at the Land Institute, has refrained from using air conditioning for 25 years during summer months and argues that air conditioning exacerbates the climate crisis.

In a guest essay published on Saturday, titled “I Swore Off Air-Conditioning, and You Can, Too,” Cox contends that “air-conditioning is making our summers even hotter” due to its role in climate change.

Cox points out that the greenhouse gases emitted by the approximately 90 percent of American households with air conditioning units contribute to worsening the climate crisis, even when the units are used in relatively mild temperatures.

To stay cool without air conditioning, Cox describes several measures, such as using a lawn sprinkler and spending most of his summer days on the porch, in the park, or elsewhere away from the heat of his home.

“When it gets too hot, we lightly spray water on our arms, legs, and faces; the water helps dissipate a lot of heat. A quick, cold shower or spending some time with the lawn sprinkler can also provide relief,” he said.

Air Conditioner Unit (Photo: Manuel Valdes)

Cox and his wife rely on electric fans, which he notes do not contribute to global warming like air conditioning units do because they lack refrigerants.

In addition to avoiding air conditioning, Cox also reduces heat by minimizing the use of other appliances.

“We also keep other appliances and devices turned off as much as possible because they generate heat. Dishwashers, for example, contribute both heat and humidity. We do not have one,” he said.

His refrigerator is set to its lowest feasible temperature. “You can’t unplug the refrigerator, but we keep ours set just below 40 degrees,” he explained.

For those who view this approach as extreme, Cox believes that people will eventually adapt to living without air conditioning.

“Our species has evolved to handle a wide range of climatic conditions, and we retain the ability to adapt. Research indicates that spending more time in warm or hot weather can increase our comfort at temperatures that once seemed unbearable.

Reducing reliance on air conditioning is about gradually adjusting: The less you use it, the easier it becomes to live without it,” he said.

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