California Sues Exxon Mobil for Decades of Deception Over Plastic Pollution and Recycling Misrepresentation
California Sues Exxon Mobil for Decades of Deception Over Plastic Pollution and Recycling Misrepresentation

California Sues Exxon Mobil for Decades of Deception Over Plastic Pollution and Recycling Misrepresentation

California Sues Exxon Mobil for Decades of Deception Over Plastic Pollution and Recycling Misrepresentation

California Attorney General Rob Bonta has filed a significant lawsuit against Exxon Mobil, accusing the company of deceiving the public about the environmental impact of plastic production for decades. The lawsuit, described as the first of its kind, targets Exxon Mobil’s role as the largest producer of chemical compounds used in making plastics.

Bonta’s office claims that Exxon has misled the public by promoting single-use plastics while downplaying the environmental consequences of their production. This legal action seeks damages for the environmental harm allegedly caused by Exxon’s deceptive practices.

Filed in the San Francisco County Superior Court, the lawsuit is part of California’s increasing efforts to hold large corporations accountable for environmental damage, especially as the state transitions from fossil fuels to renewable energy.

Bonta alleges that Exxon Mobil violated multiple state laws, including those related to public nuisance, water pollution, and false advertising. The lawsuit demands an injunction to prevent further pollution and stop the company from spreading misleading information about its plastic recycling initiatives.

California Sues Exxon Mobil for Decades of Deception Over Plastic Pollution and Recycling Misrepresentation
California Sues Exxon Mobil for Decades of Deception Over Plastic Pollution and Recycling Misrepresentation

Bonta has been investigating the petrochemical industry’s recycling claims since 2022, with a particular focus on Exxon Mobil. His office argues that the plastic industry, led by companies like Exxon, has been aware since the 1970s that large-scale plastic recycling is unfeasible.

However, these companies allegedly promoted recycling to avoid restrictions on plastic production, misleading both the public and policymakers. This deception, according to Bonta, has contributed to the unchecked growth of plastic pollution.

The lawsuit emphasizes how Exxon and other companies launched a campaign in the 1980s to block legislative efforts that sought to limit plastic production or impose bans. These efforts resulted in a massive increase in plastic production, now exceeding 300 million tons per year globally.

Despite the public belief in recycling, only about 9% of plastic waste is actually recycled, a stark contrast to the promises made by the industry. This has worsened the environmental crisis surrounding plastic waste.

Additionally, the lawsuit criticizes Exxon Mobil’s promotion of “advanced recycling” technologies, which involve using heat to break down plastic waste. According to the lawsuit, very little of the waste processed through these methods ends up being recycled into new plastic products.

Bonta’s office argues that these initiatives are nothing more than public relations efforts aimed at encouraging the continued use of single-use plastics, under the false belief that they are being recycled effectively.

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