An Oil Refinery

A County’s Case Against Oil Giants for a Deadly Heatwave

Oregon’s most populous county, Multnomah, has taken a bold step by suing 17 oil and gas companies for their role in a deadly 2021 heatwave that killed dozens of people. The lawsuit argues that the companies should be held responsible for their contribution to the climate crisis, which exacerbated the extreme temperatures that blanketed the Pacific northwest.

The heatwave, which occurred from June 25 to 28, 2021, was a catastrophic event that set numerous records. The scorching heat, which reached temperatures of over 100 degrees Fahrenheit, killed 69 people in Multnomah county and hundreds more across the region. It was one of the most destructive weather disasters in American history.

The county chair, Jessica Vega Pederson, reflected on the devastating impact of the heatwave, stating that it was “a real crisis situation” that struck the community in ways that no other event had. She emphasized the need to hold accountable the companies that have knowingly contributed to the climate crisis.

The lawsuit, filed at a state circuit court in Portland, draws on research that shows the heatwave was exacerbated by climate breakdown. It seeks $50 million in damages for the 2021 heat dome’s consequences and $1.5 billion for future climate damages. The suit also demands that the defendants spend an additional $50 billion on a county plan to upgrade public healthcare services and infrastructure to protect residents from future extreme heat events and other climate disasters.

The defendants, which include Exxon, Shell, Chevron, BP, Koch Industries, and the American Petroleum Institute, committed negligence and fraud, according to the lawsuit. They allegedly covered up their knowledge of the dangers of using fossil fuels, and their actions created a public nuisance.

An Oil Refinery

Attorney Jeffrey Simon, who is leading the case, stated that the lawsuit is based on well-established laws and is not novel in its claims. He emphasized that there is no doubt about the role of the fossil fuel industry in causing climate change.

The suit comes as part of a growing trend of lawsuits against fossil fuel interests. Since 2017, seven states, 35 municipalities, the District of Columbia, and one industry trade association have sued major oil and gas corporations and lobbying groups, alleging that defendants have for decades known about the dangers of fossil fuels but actively hid that information from consumers and investors.

The Center for Climate Integrity, an organization that has supported plaintiffs who have filed similar litigation, praised Multnomah county’s decision to hold big oil accountable. Richard Wiles, the organization’s president, stated that communities should not be forced to pay the price for catastrophic climate damages while companies that caused the crisis perpetuate their lies and rake in record profits.

The lawsuit is a major step towards holding the fossil fuel industry accountable for its actions and will likely have far-reaching implications for the industry and the fight against climate change.

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