One in Twelve Hospitals Worldwide at Risk of Closure Due to Climate Change

One in Twelve Hospitals Worldwide at Risk of Closure Due to Climate Change, Warns New Report

As the world grapples with the growing threat of climate change, a new report warns that one in 12 hospitals worldwide are at risk of shutting down due to the catastrophic effects of extreme weather events. According to the report released by Cross Dependency Initiative (XDI), a staggering 16,245 hospitals will be caught in this precarious situation by the end of the century, a number that is twice as many as currently at high risk.

This alarming forecast has sparked concern among health experts, who are warning that the consequences of failure will be dire. “Climate change is increasingly impacting the health of people around the world,” said Dr. Karl Mallon, director of science and technology at XDI. “What happens when severe weather results in hospital shutdowns as well? Our analysis shows that without a rapid phase-out of fossil fuels, the risks to global health will be exacerbated further, as thousands of hospitals become unable to deliver services during crises.”

The report highlights that some hospitals can be adapted to face the effects of extreme weather events such as hurricanes, severe storms, flooding, and forest fires, but many will require costly moves. This will be particularly challenging for lower- and middle-income countries, where 71% of the hospitals at risk by the end of the century are located. South-east Asia, in particular, is expected to be severely affected, with almost one in five hospitals (18.4%) at high risk of total or partial shutdown.

One in Twelve Hospitals Worldwide at Risk of Closure Due to Climate Change

Experts across the globe are urging governments to take immediate action to protect these vital institutions. “Governments have a duty to populations to ensure the ongoing delivery of critical services,” said Dr. Mallon. “For individual governments not to take action on this information, or for the global community not to support governments in need, is blatant disregard for the wellbeing of their citizens.”

As world leaders gather in Dubai for the UN climate conference, the report serves as a stark reminder of the urgent need for collective action. The silence of governments on this issue will not only exacerbate the healthcare crisis but also dismantle the fragile health systems that our communities depend on.

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