California Braces for Unrelenting Rainfall and Gusts

Storm of the Century: California Braces for Unrelenting Rainfall and Gusts

An unprecedented storm fueled by an atmospheric river unleashed a torrent of rain and turbulent winds across California on Sunday, leaving a trail of destruction and hazards in its wake. The howling winds tore down power lines and trees, scattering debris across communities, prompting officials to issue a first-ever hurricane-force wind warning along the coast.

Streets in both northern and southern regions were submerged by late afternoon, with even more rain on the way. The National Weather Service warned of continuous rainfall over a 48-hour period in already sodden areas, including the central coast, the Los Angeles basin, and mountain ranges. The agency cautioned that roads and highways would become inaccessible, rockslides would occur through canyons, and rising waters would surge into homes and businesses in low-lying neighborhoods.

Close to 36 million people were under flood watches on Sunday evening, as large metro areas, including the city of Los Angeles where the Grammy awards were being held, braced for impact. The storm also pummeled mountain communities with snow and whipped up steep waves along the coast. By 6 pm, nearly 850,000 homes and businesses were without power, mostly concentrated along the coast and in snow-inundated districts.

Governor Gavin Newsom declared a state of emergency in eight southern California counties as the storm swirled in Sunday afternoon. State and local agencies pre-positioned essential resources, including millions of sandbags, water rescue teams, and high-water vehicles before the onslaught.

California Braces for Unrelenting Rainfall and Gusts

As the storm raged on, flash flooding warnings were issued for several areas, with five rivers or creeks exceeding flood stage on Sunday. Search-and-rescue workers were busy evacuating people from flooded areas, with some rescue teams going through chest-deep water to reach stranded residents.

Scientists warn that this deluge is a taste of what’s to come as the world warms, with wetter conditions and smaller snowpacks expected to become the norm. “This tells us something about what California winters may look like increasingly in a warmer climate,” cautioned climate scientist Daniel Swain.

As the storm continued to batter the state, residents and authorities alike remained on high alert, bracing for several more weeks of potentially heavy rainfall and strong winds.

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