Hundreds of Firefighters Rush to Set Up Base Camp Amid Victoria's Extreme Bushfire Conditions

Hundreds of Firefighters Rush to Set Up Base Camp Amid Victoria’s Extreme Bushfire Conditions

As Victoria’s fire danger ratings reach alarming levels, officials are scrambling to establish a long-term base camp for hundreds of firefighters. The Wimmera region, in particular, is expected to face catastrophic fire conditions on Wednesday, while five of the state’s nine weather districts are predicted to experience extreme fire danger. Temperatures are forecasted to soar to mid-30s to over 40C, with winds reaching speeds of up to 40km/h.

The City of Ballarat has announced that the 131-hectare Victoria Park will transform into a temporary hub for firefighters, capable of accommodating around 300 personnel for potentially more than a month. The camp will feature large marquees, laundry facilities, bathrooms, and kitchens, allowing crews to refuel and recharge between battling blazes.

Forest Fire Management Victoria and the Country Fire Authority are working in tandem to establish the base camp, which will serve as a central hub for crews battling fires west of Ballarat. “The City of Ballarat is assisting Forest Fire Management Victoria and the Country Fire Authority to quickly establish a base camp before weather conditions worsen,” a statement read.

Country Fire Authority Chief Jason Heffernan warned residents in areas facing extreme bushfire danger that complacency is not an option. “At the moment the models are firming for at least a nasty day in six districts,” he said. “Half the state is in extreme bushfire rating.” He urged residents to clean up around their homes, particularly those living near bushland or grassland.

Hundreds of Firefighters Rush to Set Up Base Camp Amid Victoria’s Extreme Bushfire Conditions

The Bayindeen fire, which has burned over 20,800 hectares and destroyed six homes, remains an ongoing concern. While firefighters have slowed the spread of the blaze, watch and act warnings remain in place for several areas, including Amphitheatre, Raglan, Elmhurst, and Waterloo.

Emergency Services Minister Jaclyn Symes acknowledged the challenging terrain and predicted that even in ideal conditions, the fire would take up to three weeks to fully extinguish. Talks are underway between the Victorian and federal governments to provide assistance to those who have lost their homes or suffered property damage.

As Victoria’s firefighters work tirelessly to contain the spread of the blazes, the state’s residents are urged to remain vigilant and prepared for the worst. The extreme bushfire conditions are expected to continue for several days, and it is crucial that residents take necessary precautions to ensure their safety.

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