Freak Gust of Wind Fells Motorhome, Leaving Family of Four and Dogs Miraculously Unharmed

Freak Gust of Wind Fells Motorhome, Leaving Family of Four and Dogs Miraculously Unharmed

A family of four and their two dogs are counting their blessings to be alive after a “freak gust of wind” during a storm in the Scottish Highlands destroyed their motorhome. The rented vehicle, a £70,000 luxury motorhome, was parked in a layby on Scotland’s North Coast 500 route when high winds knocked it over and sent it tumbling headlong down a hill towards a loch. Miraculously, the entire family and both dogs survived the accident with only minor injuries.

Peter Schmidt, owner of Luna motorhome hire, received a phone call from a member of the family shortly after the accident, recounting the horrific scene. “The kids were resting on the beds, and the fridges in these motorhomes are really heavy and there’s a lot of sharp corners, and there’s knives – because we provide a cutlery set – and there’s gas bottles… when you think about what happened, and all the equipment in there, it’s a complete miracle,” Schmidt said. “They are very, very lucky.”

Photos of the devastation show the motorhome’s roof dangling in mid-air, while shards of glass and debris littered the surrounding area. The gas bottles, however, were miraculously intact. The family’s two children and the dogs were “pretty much unharmed,” while the adult passengers suffered only bruising.

Schmidt’s response to the incident was prompt and caring. He attended the scene himself, ensured the family received medical attention, and then asked for photos of the van and its location to arrange for its recovery. His heart sank when he saw the extent of the damage, but he was relieved that no one was seriously hurt.

Freak Gust of Wind Fells Motorhome, Leaving Family of Four and Dogs Miraculously Unharmed

This was not an isolated incident; Storm Kathleen, which brought strong winds to Ireland and the UK, caused widespread travel and power disruptions. The North Coast 500 route, where the accident occurred, is a popular circular route around Scotland’s stunning north coast, and Schmidt has decided to offer additional safety briefings to his customers about driving in difficult weather conditions. “The roads are small, they’re tight, manoeuvring a vehicle that you’re not used to driving is difficult. If there are high winds, then you have to think about how and where you park the vehicle, just in case. Because you never know,” he said.

Fortunately, the motorhome was insured, and the family decided to continue their holiday, albeit with a slight adjustment – they rented a car for the long drive back to England.

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