Gondolas are left stranded on a dry canal in Venice as low tides and a high-pressure system exacerbate water shortages, disrupting transportation and tourism.

Venice Canals Run Dry Amid Unusual Low Tides and Drought Concerns

Venice is facing significant challenges as several of its smaller canals have dried up due to unusually low tides and insufficient rainfall. This issue is hampering the Italian city’s navigation of gondolas, water taxis, and ambulance boats.

The reduced water levels are attributed to prolonged low tides and a persistent high-pressure system over Italy. This has disrupted transportation and tourism in a city where cars are non-existent.

Venice’s current predicament comes on the heels of a dry winter that has raised concerns about a potential drought emergency, reminiscent of last summer’s severe conditions.

The River Po, Italy’s longest river, currently holds 61% less water than usual for this time of year

The Italian Alps have seen about half of their typical snowfall this winter, and the River Po, Italy’s longest river, currently holds 61% less water than usual for this time of year, according to the environmental group Legambiente.

Last July, Italy had already declared a state of emergency for regions around the River Po.

Recent photos illustrate the impact: gondolas are seen docked on dry canals, with water levels significantly reduced. Images from February 2023 show gondolas stranded on low-water canals and boats left docked as the tide remains exceptionally low.

These visuals underscore the severity of the situation, highlighting the challenges faced by Venice amid these adverse weather conditions.

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