Controversial Dam Project Near Lyons Draws Renewed Attention as Conservancy Seeks to Preserve Water Rights
Controversial Dam Project Near Lyons Draws Renewed Attention as Conservancy Seeks to Preserve Water Rights

Controversial Dam Project Near Lyons Draws Renewed Attention as Conservancy Seeks to Preserve Water Rights

A longstanding and controversial plan to construct a major dam above Lyons, Colorado, is attracting renewed attention as the St. Vrain and Left Hand Water Conservancy District seeks to preserve its water rights associated with the project.

The conservancy, which serves several northern Colorado counties, has applied to a special water court to keep its conditional water right, originally established in 1971. This right is considered conditional because the water has not yet been captured or utilized.

The future of the dam project remains uncertain, with the district not clarifying whether it intends to proceed with the construction. Critics, including the environmental group Save the World’s Rivers, argue that the dam would be costly and environmentally damaging. They advocate for the district to explore alternative water management strategies that would be less harmful to the river ecosystem.

Controversial Dam Project Near Lyons Draws Renewed Attention as Conservancy Seeks to Preserve Water Rights
Controversial Dam Project Near Lyons Draws Renewed Attention as Conservancy Seeks to Preserve Water Rights

The St. Vrain and Left Hand Water Conservancy District has been engaged in discussions for over four decades about how best to use the water right. While large-scale dam projects were once common in Colorado, they have become less frequent due to high costs and water scarcity concerns. The proposed Coffintop Dam, which would be significantly taller than the Horsetooth Dam, has raised considerable concern due to its potential impact on the environment and local communities.

The district’s commitment to maintaining water rights aligns with its broader mission to benefit the community and environment. Recent developments include Lyons adopting a resolution to protect the river as part of a growing movement to safeguard waterways from development.

This resolution, reflecting input from the conservancy, highlights the complex interplay between water rights, environmental protection, and community values.

Local residents, such as Lyons resident Bob Brakenridge, express strong opposition to any new dam proposals, emphasizing the potential impact on the community and environment. Despite these concerns, the district remains focused on fulfilling its legal obligations while engaging with community members to ensure that any future use of the water rights aligns with the values and needs of the valley.

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