In the aftermath of Hurricane Helene, a heart-wrenching story emerged from North Carolina, illustrating the devastating toll of natural disasters...
This weekend, parts of the UK brace for the impact of Storm Ashley, the season’s first named storm, bringing ferocious...
Hurricane Helene has wreaked havoc across North Carolina, particularly in the western regions, where communities have suffered devastating losses, including...
Severe thunderstorms are hitting southeastern Australia, bringing wild winds, heavy rainfall, and “giant hail” the size of golf balls. A...
As we approach midweek, residents in southern and eastern Ontario may still see flurries, particularly in areas north of Lake...
Wolsingham School in County Durham has postponed its “blue nose” climate action day after concerns from parents about a student-led...
Damaging weather conditions are expected to ease following several days of wild weather, but the risk of major thunderstorms remains....
Early in-person voting is off to a robust start in North Carolina, a key battleground state, despite the recent devastation...
On Wednesday, Victoria, Australia, faced severe thunderstorms, with the town of Casterton receiving 21mm of rain in just 30 minutes,...
At 2 a.m., a phone call from the mayor to Giovanni Samorì, the parish priest of Traversara, broke the stillness....
In an alarming reminder of the climate crisis, two powerful hurricanes have devastated parts of the United States, raising urgent...
Phoenix is heating up, and so is the debate over who should foot the bill for Chase Field’s much-needed renovations....