Warren Police Investigate Alleged Burning Alive of Two Raccoons
Warren Police Investigate Alleged Burning Alive of Two Raccoons

Warren Police Investigate Alleged Burning Alive of Two Raccoons

Police in Warren are investigating a disturbing report involving the potential burning alive of two raccoons. A woman from Hillsdale Drive NW alerted authorities on Wednesday after receiving a troubling voicemail from a man she knows.

According to the woman, the man left a message confessing to committing a horrific act. When she returned his call, he detailed that he found two raccoons in a trash can, sealed it shut with tape, and then set it on fire, resulting in the raccoons being burned alive.

Warren Police Investigate Alleged Burning Alive of Two Raccoons
Warren Police Investigate Alleged Burning Alive of Two Raccoons

Additionally, the woman reported that the same man mentioned having previously encountered the raccoons in his yard the week before. During that encounter, he claimed to have fired shots at the animals.

While the police report does not indicate that any charges have been filed at this stage, it references an Ohio law that prohibits the torture of animals, highlighting the potential legal implications of the man’s actions.

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