In Tokyo’s vibrant western suburb of Suginami, the Kisho Jinja weather shrine has emerged as a unique sanctuary for those...
Colorado’s reintroduced wolf pack has recently expanded with the confirmation of three wolf puppies, with at least one weighing between...
The melting of Antarctica’s ice is having profound effects, not only raising global sea levels but also causing the continent’s...
Thomas Aycock, a contractor with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, is navigating the Florida Everglades in his F-250...
Solly the sheep had a difficult start to life but showed remarkable resilience after being rescued. Found in poor condition,...
Recent research has revealed that Alaska’s Yukon River may be transporting more than just water, as climate change-induced permafrost melting...
Recent climate research highlights both worrisome and hopeful developments in our understanding of potential climate change impacts. This week, new...
Lake Powell, a reservoir created by the Glen Canyon Dam on the Colorado River, has experienced significant water level declines...
“Chimp Crazy” is a four-part docuseries that dives into the bizarre world of exotic animal owners, specifically focusing on Tonia...
A rare ocelot, an endangered wild cat, was captured on film in Arizona for the first time in 50 years....
China is rapidly expanding its clean energy capacity, adding as much renewable energy in the first half of this year...
Over the weekend, kayakers off the coast of Southern California encountered a rare and fascinating sight: a large silver oarfish...