Over half of parent factor climate change into decisions about expanding their families.

Climate Change Influences Family Planning, Career Choices, and Consumer Preferences

Climate change is increasingly influencing people’s choices regarding employment, consumer habits, and family planning.

A recent survey by global research firm Morning Consult, conducted for HP, reveals that over half of parents (53%) are considering climate change in their decision to have more children.

The survey, which included over 5,000 parents from India, Mexico, Singapore, the United States, and the United Kingdom, was carried out between May 18 and 26.

The survey highlights that nearly all parents (91%) are concerned about climate change, with major concerns including rising temperatures (62%), water shortages (51%), sea level changes (43%), and extreme weather events (43%).

64% of parents prioritize sustainable products, despite rising living costs and time constraints.

Climate concerns are also impacting career decisions. Over 40% of respondents have reconsidered job opportunities based on a company’s environmental and social commitments. Additionally, 64% of parents prefer products that are sustainably sourced, and 60% consider a company’s sustainability practices crucial in their purchasing decisions.

Parents are willing to pay more for sustainable products, though the extent varies by product type. For instance, 75% are ready to pay more for sustainable clothing, 62% for pet supplies, 59% for tech products, and 66% for cell phones.

Despite this, 84% of parents feel the cost of living is rising, and 57% find environmentally conscious actions like composting and recycling time-consuming.

Parents believe corporations bear significant responsibility for climate action, with 51% asserting that companies should be accountable for sustainable practices. Only 36% think the onus to push companies toward sustainability falls on consumers.

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