A rare orange lobster named Crush has recently found a new home at the Denver Aquarium after narrowly escaping being...
On Wednesday morning, an unexpected sight greeted an office worker in downtown Honolulu—a two-foot-long opossum perched on a window ledge...
More than 20,000 years ago, early inhabitants of the Americas encountered and butchered a large, armadillo-like creature using stone tools,...
Darker-coloured ambush bugs have a mating advantage over their brighter counterparts in cooler conditions because they can warm up more...
The Natural History Museum in Los Angeles is revealing a unique dinosaur, “Gnatalie,” notable for being the only known green-boned...
Seventy-seven long-finned pilot whales were discovered stranded on Sanday Island, part of the Orkney archipelago off Scotland. The British Divers...
Cities along the East Coast have started using drones to enhance beach safety by monitoring for sharks and distressed swimmers....
In a significant discovery, Colorado Parks and Wildlife officials have identified the first confirmed case of staggering disease in North...
Spade-toothed whales are incredibly rare and have never been seen alive by scientists. They live in the vast southern Pacific...
A unique plant, the Key Largo tree cactus, has become the first species in the United States to be exterminated...
A species of beetle, the great silver water beetle, has been rediscovered in Cambridgeshire after 86 years. It was found...
A 375-pound (170-kilogram) sea turtle named Bubba has been released back into the Atlantic Ocean after undergoing three months of...